Dawn In Deep: Podcast Series

Dawn in Deep 03: Nick & Digio

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 Para este tercer  capítulo  de la serie de podcast de Dawn in Deep traemos al dúo oriundo de la Ciudad de Córdoba: Nick & Digio, que nos dejan una linda sesión de una hora con un delicado deep house con suaves melodias, logrando ocupar un lugar y tiempo en este invierno Argentino.. Preparar los oídos y a disfrutar!

No se olviden de seguir la musica de este gran dúo:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/nick_digio/
Octavio Di Giovambattista: www.instagram.com/octadigio/
Nicolás Irazoqui: www.instagram.com/nicoirazoqui/
Seguinos en nuestras redes:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/didmusic.ar/
Facebook: Dawn in Deep
Spotify(Playslist/Podcast): Dawn in Deep
Itunes(Podcast): Dawn in Deep


For this third chapter of the Dawn podcast series in Deep we bring the native duo of Córdoba City: Nick and Digio, who leave us a nice session of an hour with a delicate deep house with soft melodies, managing to take a place and time in this Argentine winter .. Prepare your ears and enjoy!

Do not forget to follow the music of this great duo:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/nick_digio/
Octavio Di Giovambattista: www.instagram.com/octadigio/
Nicolás Irazoqui: www.instagram.com/nicoirazoqui/
Follow us in our networks:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/didmusic.ar/
Facebook: Dawn in Deep
Spotify (Playslist / Podcast): Dawn in Deep
Itunes (Podcast): Dawn in Deep

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Dawn In Deep: Podcast SeriesBy dawnindeep