Dawn In Deep: Podcast Series

Dawn in deep 05: Curtiss

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Quinto episodio de la serie Podcast, esta vez viajamos al viejo contienente precisamente a Hundría donde el padre de BEKOOL PODCAST el DJ Curtiss no deja este gran podcast de vanguardia a puro Deep house!

¡Disfruta de este gran podcast!
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Síguenos en Instagram: www.instagram.com/didmusic.ar/
Seguí a Curtiss en sus redes:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/curtissdj/
Soundcloud: @curtiss

Fifth episode of the Podcast series, this time we traveled to the old contender precisely to Hundría where BEKOOL PODCAST's father DJ Curtiss does not leave this great avant-garde podcast to pure Deep house!

Enjoy this great podcast!
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Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/didmusic.ar/
I followed Curtiss in his networks:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/curtissdj/
Soundcloud: @curtiss

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Dawn In Deep: Podcast SeriesBy dawnindeep