The Gently Mad

Derek Webb on Faith, Doubt and Finding Yourself

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I’ve been a fan of Derek Webb for as long as I can remember. But’s it’s only been in the last couple years that I’ve gotten to know him a little bit more personally. He was a guest on this show a few years ago and that time we talked a lot about the music industry in general and how it’s changing (for the better) for those who want to make a living as an independent artist. A lot of sh*t has gone down since then. Both for me and for Derek. And one of the reason’s I love him and his music so much is that our stages of life seem to have a weird sort of symbiotic relationship. Usually whenever I’m going through something, Derek releases a new record and it’s exactly what I needed at that time. That’s certainly true for his latest record, Fingers Crossed. It’s an album about the loss and grief that comes with change and the hope we have to find within ourselves if we’re to grow rather than wither within the sadness of life’s turbulence. To use Derek’s own words, “It’s a sad as sh*t record”. But it’s a kind of *necessary* sadness. The kind of sadness that comes from serious soul work. And, honestly, that’s the best way I have of describing this conversation. It was sad at times, but also poignant and surprisingly buoyant with hope. Hope for what’s next, despite the pain of leaving behind the past. I hope you’ll check out Derek’s album. And I hope you get something out of this conversation. I certainly had a great time doing it. Enjoy the show.
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The Gently MadBy Adam Clark

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