In Edge Show episode 139, Rick introduces the newest member of the Edge Team, Matt McSpirit, who walks us through the key features and functionality of Azure Site Recovery, with a specific focus on Hyper-V to Azure protection for SMBs. If you're using Hyper-V, but don't have System Center, and you're looking at a streamlined solution for disaster recovery, Matt's got you covered. Useful Links: Tutorial: Set up Protection Between an On-Premises Hyper-V Site and AzureMicrosoft Virtual Academy - Microsoft Business Continuity (Clustering, Backup & Azure Site Recovery)Azure News: Check out my monthly roundup of IT Pro related Azure newsSign up for the Azure Security JumpStart taking place April 15th and 16th.Connect with the Edge Team: Follow @tnedgeFollow @MattMcSpiritFollow @dtzarFollow @SimonsterFollow @RicksterCDN Facebook