Dimitri Mugianis Talks

DMT EP06 - Richie Ogulnick - The Johnny Appleseed of Ibogaine

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This week's episode features a conversation with Richie Ogulnick. Richie is a pioneer of underground treatment with ibogaine in the United States. We talk about his mystical journey from being influenced by Howard Lotsof's serendipitous discovery of ibogaine's addiction interrupting effects, to traveling to Africa and finding a source for ibogaine HCL, and adapting Chilean psychiatrist and early psychedelic research Claudio Naranjo's protocol for using ibogaine during psychospiritual sessions to instead treat addicts. Other topics include harm reduction, discovering Heantos (an herbal combination from Vietnam) as a tool for addicts to mitigate their tolerance to opiates without detoxing, getting shutdown by the FDA, and his vision for treatment of opiate use disorder.
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Dimitri Mugianis TalksBy Dimitri Mugianis