PodCasts Archives - McAlvany Weekly Commentary

DOW Drops 1000 Then Closes Up – First Time Ever

01.26.2022 - By McAlvany ICAPlay

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What will Putin do after he attends the Olympics in China?

U.S. is "overstretched superpower" & Xi & Putin know it.

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The McAlvany Weekly Commentary

with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick

DOW Drops 1,000 Then Closes Up – First Time Ever

January 25, 2022

I think it’s fascinating to understand what is unfolding. We started this Commentary in 2008, for a reason. There’s a lot to talk about. I think we’ve got a lot to talk about today as well. I would be remiss in not noting, it’s fascinating to watch the gold market perform its function as a safe haven here in the first month of the new year. Also, fascinating that the Bitcoin rivalry seems to have faded. Maybe it’s fading with the price. — David McAlvany

Kevin: Welcome to the McAlvany Weekly Commentary. I’m Kevin Orrick, along with David McAlvany. 

What a week! What a week to have the Tactical Short Call with Doug Noland. If you’re going to have the kind of volatility that we have, not just in the markets, but I’m talking Ukraine, Taiwan, China, you name it. We’ve got the Tactical Short Call coming up and anyone— Right? Am I right on this? Anyone can tune in and listen to you and Doug talk.

David: Absolutely. Register ahead of time, show up day of, but we’ll look at the structure of the market, and we’ll expand on geopolitical variables, which add a complicating layer to the financial market pressures. But this is a very good week to consider the structure of the market. Doug has done a great job of that and this last week’s Credit Bubble Bulletin, and of course, as we head into the quarterly call for Tactical Short. Join us, Doug and myself, for the Q4 update for 2021 and a look at the current developments. They are legion in both the financial markets and geopolitical domains.

Kevin: And that can be accessed at mwealthm.com. So it’s M-W-E-A-L-T-H-M.com. And like I said, anybody can sign up and listen. So please do.

David: Yeah, I don’t think you want to miss it. With an impressive run to all-time highs in the market indices, being short has had its challenges. And the analysis, frankly, doesn’t get any easier just because valuations are stretched to unsustainable levels. Nevertheless, our process is a solid one, and the insights that that process shines a light on are likely to be immensely helpful for you in 2022 and beyond. So if you prize asset preservation, if you’re curious about the context and cause of one of the greatest market tops in financial history, you’ll join us this Thursday at 2:00 PM Mountain, 4:00 PM Eastern. We’ll have our prepared remarks and then Q&A.; So the questions are already rolling in, send yours when you register for the call.

Kevin: One of the things that we’ve really talked about for the last 13 years is Ukraine. George Friedman has been a guest on the program in the past. We were talking last night, Dave, as we always do. I have my Talisker, and I think at this point you were drinking Coke because you’re on your training program. But we were talking about how a lot of times people see the world from a particular center, and George Friedman has centered on Russia and Ukraine long before it was in the news here recently. And I think we ought to talk to him soon, don’t you?

David: Absolutely. When you have a conversation with someone and it appears that their heart is stuck somewhere, and not necessarily in nostalgia, but there’s something that offers rootedness and groundedness. I can’t explain why the Donbas region is so central to the way that George Friedman sees things.

Kevin: I think what he would say is it’s like a chessboard. It’s the center of power because you think about Ukraine—he’s talked about this before—whether you’re talking about the days of Napoleon or the days of Hitler, or even going before all that, Ukraine, has been the 500-mile buffer,

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