Delic Radio

Dr. Carl Hart - Drug Use for Grown-Ups

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Carl Hart, PhD is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University. He is known for his research in drug abuse and drug addiction and he has a new book out, Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. 

You’re going to hear Dr. Hart talk live at Meet Delic 2021, but before that we sat down with him to get a first hand account of his ongoing thesis. That the greatest damage from drugs flows from their being illegal, and a hopeful reckoning with the possibility of their use as part of a responsible and happy life.

We offer our full support behind Hart and his willingness to study, discuss, and promote pragmatic ideas about what is most certainly a controversial topic in America today, The failed War on Drugs and the consequences that it has left in its wake. 
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