Geekonomics Podcast Network

Dungeonetics- 62 "Yes, I... I can. I can hit you harder"

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Spoken as the continued paladin to Bahumat and an intrensic member of our party, Sir Rhogar the Torn follows through with his blade in this shashtastic ep[inside of Dungeonetics. With little time to spare and less spell slots to blaze, the team is confronted with an ominous warning as friend or foe is once again obscured.


Now as shadows of our former selves appear to be harvested by our enemies, a certain dragonborn will be met with a player he once played in episode 9 of this campaign. As darker omens of a doomed future present, our good luck must come into allign... for the sake of the realm.


Thank you all again for listening to Dungeonetics. It's a passion to do and a healthy way to breathe something human generated into the world without asking it for anything in return. If any praise should be given it is to the other role players in our party and my longtime and nowtime friends who I value as equals. Thanks for being alive.


The Music title was provided by Kellen- BigRiffs. I asked this smite developer one time at a party if I could use his track for a DnD podcast who would never collect a dime for it. He said yes and he is a hard ally. I would offer my helmet to him in the street war, and God willing, I will.



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