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After hours and hours of audio, I can clearly state that things have seemed to be mucked up propper. Consider the possible factions fighting against our heroic agents of Endurrin, and how it seems impossible to gain ground. A legion of undead headed to the dwarven burrougs to cross through a mountain tunnel pass, unscruplous Imperium folk choking off food and supplies to their own racist delight, orc alligning with giants to pick all the meat off the age of humankind, awoken dragons waiting for the marks of an ominous prophecy to kick into gear, and...
maybe another war isn't what we need. Good thing we have a shapeshifting 20 charisma'ed a-bomb of a statlord to drag us over and into the sights of Episode 47 of Dungeonetics.
Again thank you for all the feedback, and we have heard you. We think our music providers deserve a richly boon at bandcamp, so make sure to look up Kellen, Games Brown, and Virus of Ideals, Actual artists doing art. and thanks again to freesound.org and our Dungeonetics profile which has all other attribution.
We exist in social places and some of us have witty faces @ Dungeonetics (insta, face, @gmail)
Have an amazing adventure.
1212 ratings
After hours and hours of audio, I can clearly state that things have seemed to be mucked up propper. Consider the possible factions fighting against our heroic agents of Endurrin, and how it seems impossible to gain ground. A legion of undead headed to the dwarven burrougs to cross through a mountain tunnel pass, unscruplous Imperium folk choking off food and supplies to their own racist delight, orc alligning with giants to pick all the meat off the age of humankind, awoken dragons waiting for the marks of an ominous prophecy to kick into gear, and...
maybe another war isn't what we need. Good thing we have a shapeshifting 20 charisma'ed a-bomb of a statlord to drag us over and into the sights of Episode 47 of Dungeonetics.
Again thank you for all the feedback, and we have heard you. We think our music providers deserve a richly boon at bandcamp, so make sure to look up Kellen, Games Brown, and Virus of Ideals, Actual artists doing art. and thanks again to freesound.org and our Dungeonetics profile which has all other attribution.
We exist in social places and some of us have witty faces @ Dungeonetics (insta, face, @gmail)
Have an amazing adventure.