Geekonomics Podcast Network

Dungeonetics- ep.48 Cat's Grace-ing my way downtown.

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Tunnels, A great place to stay cool on a sun soaked surface. Consider the dwarven burrows for your next family get togeather. Overlooking the swamp soaked fallen empire of Endurrin, it would appear their very existence marks the end of humanity as we know it.


Will the one human representative of the human race in this party seal the fate of his fellow bretheren. or will Pa Jammers be too focused on cats grace. Listen in and find out in episode 48 of... well you know.


Again thank you for all the feedback, and we have heard you. We think our music providers deserve a richly boon at bandcamp, so make sure to look up Kellen, Games Brown, and Virus of Ideals, Actual artists doing art. and thanks again to and our Dungeonetics profile which has all other attribution.


We exist in social places and some of us have witty faces @ Dungeonetics (insta, face, @gmail)


Have an amazing adventure.

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