Geekonomics Podcast Network

Dungeonetics- ep.49 Astral Sea and a Soul No Longer Free

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I don't like to break the forth wall but, as the player who plays Pa Jammer, I can clock it in my tonality when the scales of morality took a plate fall. Some of us caught it and, one of us knew it all along.


Faced with no chance and no other options, the brave Agents Of Endurrin hoped to bottlekneck the legion of Bainsolas's undead behind the dwarven passage, allowing certain death of the land. Slightly tossed on spells the party will meet its first death cloud, and quickly understand how important engineering can be. See after never clearly analyzing the map but besides to make a fallic joke within the first minute of the cast. is the tennor of the table, but a definate line is crossed.


Which one of us will lose it all in the end for the sake of many? Tune in to a very special Episode 49 Of Dungeonetics for more!


We can be reached mainly by entering Dungeonetics in any search aggrigate, and realize, we dont have a media team. Won't.


Our opening music was provided by Kellen and closing theme by Virus of Ideals and bless their hearts and proper denominational observance. Hail.


As always. thank you. Free sound . org

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