The Naked Songwriter

Eclipse Season Preview!

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Turning Water into Wine – The Naked Songwriter Podcast #55
Guess who’s coming to Christmas dinner? A solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn! Plus, surviving the holidaze, aka gamma ray bombardment from deep space Source objects aligned with the sign of Sagittarius. And how the 12/12 Gemini Full Moon encourages us to revoke old soul contracts and get on board the 2020 transformation train.
Miracles are on offer in December but you probably won’t land the big one all by your lonesome. Heading towards the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction, you’d better find your cosmic krewe.
Plus, a sneak peek at the January 10 lunar eclipse in Cancer, opposition Saturn and Pluto.

The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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The Naked SongwriterBy D.K. Brainard