Edge (MP4) - Channel 9

Edge Show 140: WorkFolders for iPad + exclusive first look at iPhone

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This Episode of the Edge show is focused on Enterprise Mobility and Simon May invited Fabian Uhse from the WorkFolders product team into the studio to talk about the iPad app for WorkFolders. If you aren't familiar with work folders, it's a really nice solution to use your existing Windows Server 2012 R2 File server infrastructure to enable sharing - across the internet - from those servers. Giving you the best of the cloud and making the best use of your on-prem investments. Fabian also gives us a sneak peak at the upcoming iPhone app too! For more news and information on enteprise mobility check out Simon's Blog. Connect with the Edge Team: Follow @tnedgeFollow @dtzarFollow @SimonsterFollow @RicksterCDN Facebook
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Edge (MP4) - Channel 9By Microsoft