In Edge Show episode 142, Matt meets with Jose Barreto to discuss a key capability within Microsoft's software-defined storage (SDS) solution, Storage Quality of Service (QoS). Jose talks about where Storage QoS fits within the overall SDS solution, explains how it all works, and shows a cool PowerShell-driven demo of QoS in action. Jose also gives us a sneak peek into what the storage team will be delivering at Microsoft Ignite. If you're interested in storage, Jose has got you covered! Useful Links: Microsoft Azure BackupBlog: Azure Backup – Support for backup of Azure IaaS VMsBlog: Preview of DR for VMware VMs and Physical Servers to Azure using ASRSystem Center Operations Manager - Azure Pack Management PackJose Barreto's BlogTechNet: Storage Spaces OverviewBlog: Storage QoS Guide for Windows Server Technical PreviewWindows Server Technical Preview 1 - DownloadConnect with the Edge Team: Follow @tnedgeFollow @MattMcSpiritFollow @dtzarFollow @SimonsterFollow @RicksterCDN Facebook