Enduring Health

Enduring Health

By Dr. Shan Hussain

EducationAlternative Health

What's Enduring Health about?

In this Podcast, we talk about natural approaches to achieving optimal health, well-being, energy and vitality. We talk to several different health and wellness experts from around the world, and also hear personal stories from inspiring people who have overcome debilitating illnesses through lifestyle approaches.

Throughout the episodes, we share simple, practical steps that almost anyone can take to help reach their health goals as fast as possible. Your Host Dr. Shan Hussain is an author, general practitioner, health coach, wellness adviser and ambassador to the World Health Innovation Summit.

Get in touch with us here: www.thehealthstudio.net

To support our show, please visit: www.patreon.com/enduringhealth

(Disclaimer - The content from the Podcast is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a primary care doctor. Please regularly consult with your doctor in matters relating to your health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or immediate medical attention. The creators of this Podcast do not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by the choice to implement any of the health strategies discussed.)

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Enduring Health episodes: