Low Ticket High Impact

EP 05: Building the Perfect Low Ticket Offer Without the Headache with Miles Stutz

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Does your low ticket offer seem like more trouble than it's worth (even if it doesn't exist yet)? Although your existing high ticket offer may look like the golden goose, having a low ticket front-end that puts your clients at ease, delivers a taste of the overall value and keeps your bank account growing has its advantages, too.

Miles Stutz is a superstar messaging coach, the founder of Influence and Impact Coaching and the successful operator of a thriving low tech, low ticket front-end offer. Day-to-day, Miles is zeroed in on helping his clients build organic marketing systems that result in abundant enrollment.

On this episode of the Low Ticket High Impact podcast, Justin and Miles jam on building trust with a low ticket offer before you bring up your high ticket program, how to continually solve small problems to achieve big transformations, and engineering the way your program brings money in so you have it when you need it. Tune in to turn that amazing low ticket offer idea in your head into a reality.

You’ll Learn  

  • How to achieve balance in your pricing to keep your customers committed without creating a cost barrier
  • Why having fewer clients who pay more isn't always a huge advantage
  • What Miles suggests you ask yourself before you create your low ticket offer in order to keep the focus on serving your clients
  • And much more!

Favorite Quote

“We actually over deliver, because the big goal for me is to qualify people to become, obviously, a $7k client. So we go all out. So it is fulfillment-free, but the content we give away, we really try to over deliver because the entire goal is to get someone into the $7k, into the $10k, into the $50k offer.”

 - Miles Stutz

Connect with Miles Stutz

  • Milesstutz.com

How to get involved

  • Justin DeMers launched his simple, low ticket workshop, Click Go Live, without a large audience – and sold over $200K in four months. Now, he wants to teach other business owners his method.

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Low Ticket High ImpactBy Justin DeMers

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