Spreading Good

Ep. 06 Ally Browning - Building Sustainable Communities Across the Globe

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Ally Browning is a leader, a community-builder and the Senior Director of Engagement & Fundraising at Humanity and Hope United- a nonprofit working to assist underserved villages in remote parts of Honduras. H&H partner with the people within each village to achieve sustainable change because they believe that when they invest their talents in making others’ lives better, hope will spread. Ally’s heart is a gift to this world and her story is powerful. She shares the defining choices she’s had to make in order to align and realign herself with a life driven by purpose.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How it takes courage to get close to the communities you choose to serve and why it’s worth it
  • Why she believes creating opportunities is the key to creating sustainable change
  • The  importance of LISTENING when building communities both domestic and internationally
  • Her journey following God and the ripple effect of being obedient to his call
  • How she believes being single for 5 years set her up and prepared her for the work she does today
  • Why she believes each of our timelines are unique and a GIFT to embrace
  • How the H&H communities in Honduras responded after being hit by two tropical storms earlier this year
  • Find more Good at spreadinggoodpodcast.com and join the Instagram fam @spreadinggoodpodcast!

    Connect with Ally:

    • Ally’s Instagram: @albrowning85
    • Humanity and Hope United
    • Humanity and Hope United Instagram: @humanityandhope
    • DONATE to the H&H Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota relief fund
    • ...more
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      Spreading GoodBy Jenny Barber

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