Podcast Show Notes:
Episode 16
Welcome to the 16th episode of Arts Performed Podcast. I am your host Tobi.
This week I am talking with Tuna and Seda of the Istanbul Queer Art Collective where they engage with the concept of success and failure and how Jack Halberstam inverts the normative concepts in his book The Queer Art of Failure. In the interview I mistakenly used Jack’s former name. Jack Halberstam is a transsexual man and academic and the edition I used to look up the theory was written in Jack’s former name.
Also important to note about this episode is the bad audio. We recorded the episode in a noisy café and although I cut out the worst noise in the edit it is still very noisy. However if you are interested in performance art in Turkey and England and the fluxus movement and Jack Halberstam’s The Queer Art of Failure I urge you to persist and keep listening.
Also please come along to their performance night Turkish Delight, at the Glory in Dalston on the 1st of February. It is a night of bilingual performances in English and Turkish and if their own performances are anything to go by it will be an amazing night.
If you persisted to the end I think you will agree Tuna and Seda are engaging and have given me lots to think about, not only in terms of my podcast and interest in art but in my life too. The inversion of success and failure are certainly something that has had an impact on me.
Please remember their performance night Turkish Delight, at the Glory where they have queer performances in Turkish and English.
The next episode is with Sebastian Hua-Walker who talks about live art, the Mexican Goddess The Holiest Death, and much, much more.
Sebastian is included in the review of Deep Trash at the Underworld as is The Queer Art Collective from my WordPress article Deep Trash at the Underworld
blokartspace.com Istanbul Queer Art Collective
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