A to Z Horrorcast

Ep 249 - Wait Until Dark - The Fifth Sense

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This week on the podcast, the guys take a hard look at the 1967 classic Wait Until Dark. Things almost immediately deteriorate into romanticizing trains and Jack naming the only (increasingly obscure) baseball players he knows. Grab some beers and join the fun!
Don't put your money toward us, but do think about putting some toward people who need it in Ukraine. One place we've given is the International Medical Corps at www.charitynavigator.org/ein/95394964…omlistid=548.
Also, please do what you can to support non-binary people in Texas given the truly evil things that are happening there. thriveyouthcenter.org/donate-now/ is a shelter and resource center helping LGBTQ+ youth in San Antonio.
Also, in Idaho, the Trevor Project (give.thetrevorproject.org/give/63307/#…ion/checkout) and Planned Parenthood Northwest (www.weareplannedparenthood.org/onlineact…649495194) are helping a lot of people who need it. Please give what you can.
And as always, continue to support Black Lives Matter and fight against the systemic racial injustice in this country. A list of ways to help can be found here: blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
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Music by: Superbare: @superbare
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A to Z HorrorcastBy A to Z Horror

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