A to Z Horrorcast

Ep 255 - Kandisha - Big Colonizer Energy

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This week on the podcast, the guys take a look at the 2020 French movie Kandisha. Join us as we break down the movie, but not before pondering the best Ramones songs and how to do the Hospital Crumple. Grab some beers and join the fun!
As of now, all of our Patreon proceeds will be going to Planned Parenthood to support the bodily autonomy of women and other persons who can get pregnant. You can find our Patreon at patreon.com/atozhorror
And as always, continue to support Black Lives Matter and fight against the systemic racial injustice in this country. A list of ways to help can be found here: blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Follow on Twitter: twitter.com/AtoZHorror
Hangout on facebook: facebook.com/atozhorror/
Find us on Instagram @a_zhorror
Music by: Superbare: @superbare
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A to Z HorrorcastBy A to Z Horror

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