Slow Boat Sailing Podcast

Ep. 30: Resolute Sets Sail cruises Mexico, Hawaii, and sails to Alaska with audio sample by Linus Wilson of Navigation Rules Captains’ Exam prep album

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Native Alaskans Erik and Meagan bought a boat in the San Fransisco Bay area and sailed it down the often unforgiving California coast to the warm waters of Mexico. It may be a surprise to the followers of their blockbuster, YouTube channel Resolute Sets Sail, what they did next. Instead of turning west to the islands of the south Pacific as is more popular or heading through the Panama canal towards the Caribbean, Erik and Meagen went on some epic month long offshore passages to Hawaii and Alaska. Learn about their problems importing their dog into Hawaii. (I could not believe it! U.S. Citizens have to jump through hoops to take their dog to Hawaii.) Learn about the travels of these low-budget adventurers under sail in their Cascade 36. They are super cool, and they make great videos!




Before we get into an interview we have an audio sample of my Navigation Rules: International and Inland (Abridged), Study Guide for USCG Captains' and Merchant Mariner Exam on CD Baby. It is the least expensive study course for the toughest exam on the USCG captain's exam that I know of at $9.99.

I edited this interview during my 27-day passage at sea from Ecuador to French Polynesia, which was hard because we had limited electricity, and I need to buy a newer faster computer to edit podcasts and video. After the Slow Boat was hit by a whale half-way through the 3,500 nm trip, I got much busier with managing downwind sails, autopilot, and engine bleeding problems. I'll talk about that trip in the next episode. This episode is being uploaded in Tahiti, which has MUCH faster internet than Hiva Oa in the Marquesas. I was only in Hiva Oa for less than a week before having to come back home for work. I hope to release episode 8 of the Slow Boat Sailing YouTube channel's round the world vlog before the next podcast.

If you are a YouTube subscriber, send me a private message on Facebook or Twitter with your USA address by Wednesday, January 11, 2017, to be in a drawing for the first ever printed copy of Slow Boat to Cuba. This is a one of a kind collectors edition of the Amazon sailing eBook bestseller on its first day on sale. I'll show the results of the drawing in episode 8 of Slow Boat Sailing's vlog series.


We will be running contest where our most loyal Patreon supporters can become part of our crew literally as we explore the paradise islands of the South Pacific. Patrons of the round the world vlog and podcast get bonus podcast episodes and free audiobooks of How To Sail Around the World Part-Time and Slow Boat to Cuba. They get never before released audiobook chapters of Slow Boat to the Bahamas.

Slow Boat to the Bahamas


How to Sail Around the World-Part Time

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Slow Boat Sailing PodcastBy Linus Wilson

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