Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation Hour

Ep 36 - Professor Donald Hoffman - Simulated Universe Theory & Neuroscience of the Digital Matrix

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Welcome to episode 36 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Professor Donald Hoffman as they pull the plug on the matrix and show you the foundational coding of the programme that renders our reality that we perceive through our five senses and how it is our consciousness that writes the code in the first place.

On this episode Chris & Professor Hoffman explore the theory of our universe being a digital holographic simulation in which our consciousness creates the reality we experience on an individual level and as a collective whole. Professor Hoffman breaks down his Multimodal User Interface (MMUI) theory, exploring conscious realism and how we subjectively render the universe we observe and interact with. Chris & Professor Hoffman then explore how evolution is possible in such a system and how the programme evolves to maintain survival of the fittest and the continuation of the matrix software. Other topics of discussion raised include Chris's fascination with MMORPGs and how they are synonymous with Professor Hoffmans work and theories, ways to wake up in the matrix and cheat codes written into the main code itself. All of this and more on episode 36 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

 DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

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For more on Professor Donald Hoffman and his content check out below


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Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation HourBy Primal Alchemy

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