Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation Hour

Ep 38 - Professor Brant Cortright - The Neurogenesis Diet & Upgrading the Holistic Brain

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Welcome to episode 38 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Professor Brant Cortright as they explore the diet and lifestyle best suited to promote neurogenesis and how to upgrade the brain from a holistic model set of protocols.

On this episode Chris & Brant explain the process of neurogenesis and why it is soo important for us to be aware of and make a conscious effort to actively upgrade our brain through the diet we consume and the lifestyle choices we make. Brant then informs us of the best superfoods known to promote not only neurogenesis but also limit neurodegenerative factors, increasing brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and limiting the loss of neuronal cells through mitigating chronic stress responses in the body. Chris & Brant then look at why a holistic lifestyle is essential for optimal brain health and how spiritual practices such as meditation and mindfulness have such a significant role in creating the infrastructure necessary to support brain growth and limit cognitive decline. Other topics discussed include how to synchronise the left and right brain for increased hemispheric coherency, why it is important to find purpose and fulfilment in one's life and some of the spiritual implications of nourishing your brain with what it needs to thrive. All of this and more on episode 38 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

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For more on Professor Brant Cortright and his content check out below


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Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation HourBy Primal Alchemy

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