Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation Hour

Ep 50 - Dylan Louis Monroe - Conspiracy Renaissance & The Deep State Mapping Project

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Welcome to episode 50 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Dylan Louis Monroe aka MasterConspiracy as they take you on your deepest journey down the rabbit hole yet, investigating and discussing some of histories greatest reality shattering truths. It's time for full disclosure, the truth will set you free.

On this episode Chris & Dylan take you through Dylans Deep State Mapping Project, 50% cartography art piece 50% illuminating full disclosure file, looking at some of the ruling power structures within the matrix and how these forces have manipulated multiple timelines in order to keep such structures in place. Dylan explains the connections between Ancient Rome and Switzerland, the past & present financial strongholds for the elite. Chris & Dylan then look at esoteric & secret societies throughout the ages, the creation of the illuminati and the subsequent infiltration of the once powerful mystery schools, discussing the knowledge they had once held and what currently remains of it. Other topics of discussion include shape shifting ETs, adventures into the inner earth and updates on the covert war against the cabal. All of this and more on episode 50 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

BONUS: use code "redpill" for 10% off all purchases on

For more on Dylan Louis Monroe and his content check out below

Instagram: @masteryconspiracy

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Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation HourBy Primal Alchemy

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