Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation Hour

Ep 56 - Richard Cassaro - Secrets of the Gods & Deciphering Freemasonry

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Welcome to episode 56 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour. Join Primal Alchemy's creator and director Chris Storey with guest Richard Cassaro decipher the secrets of our last golden age civilisation that have been encoded in ancient monuments, texts and secret societies throughout the ages.

On this episode Chris & Richard review Richards life work exploring ancient sites and studying the sacred spiritual sciences that has been used to safeguard and transfer the secrets of the Gods for the past 10,000 years of human existence. Richard discloses some of the hidden truths about Freemasonry as Chris and Richard share personal experience and insider knowledge about the inner workings of this highly secretive esoteric order. Chris & Richard then discuss the path of ascending to higher states of consciousness according to ancestral wisdom traditions and occult philosophy. Other topics of discussion include; the triptych enigma, astrotheology at megalithic sites and how to balance universal energies to activate our pineal gland. All of this and more on episode 56 of The Red Pill Initiation Hour.

DISCLAIMER: 100% chance of waking up your third eye and becoming WOKE AF.

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For more on Richard Cassaro and his content check out below


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Primal Alchemy's Red Pill Initiation HourBy Primal Alchemy

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