The Kids In The Room

#EP 57 - Trusting Intuition and The Subtle Nature of Psychic Abilities

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In this conversation, Chris Wasko shares her personal journey of healing from narcissistic abuse and discovering her spiritual gifts. She discusses the spectrum of narcissism and how it affected her relationship with her parents. Chris also explores the concept of light and dark energies, the power of choice, and the limitations of the human mind in understanding spiritual phenomena. The conversation touches on the potential paths in life and the importance of trusting one's intuition. The use of Ouija boards is discouraged due to the potential for negative experiences. The conversation explores the topic of supernatural experiences, specifically related to Ouija boards and psychic abilities

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06:29 The Impact of Healing on Brain Waves and Spiritual Awakening

29:39 The Risks of Using Ouija Boards

41:30 The Subtle Nature of Psychic Abilities

53:50 Navigating Cognitive Dissonance in Discussions about the Supernatural

59:21 The Role of Guides and Intuitive Insights

01:06:24 The Experiences of Old Souls

01:18:04 Navigating the Intersection of Spirituality and Religion

01:30:16 The Intersection of Religion and Technology

01:56:01 The Dangers of Manipulating Energy

02:03:01 Understanding the Pros and Cons of Technology

02:08:19 Questioning History

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