General Admission Podcast

Ep 62: Eric Nuzum

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This is an interview that may surprise people close to Eric, or who've been reading the buzz around Audible's place in the audio space. You'll hear us delve into some audio nerd stuff, but this conversation is more about leadership, risk, worship, addiction and Iggy Pop.
For those who don't know, Eric Nuzum is the Senior VP of Original Content Development at Audible. He's the boss man behind the new 'Channels' feature of Audible, which is sort of like a combination of HBO (highly curated programming) and Netflix's recommendation feature. They know what you like from your listening habits, makes shows around that data and humans are happy around the globe.
There's art in audio, people, and we're here to tell you the who/what/where/why/how of it with our guest, rockstar executive Eric Nuzum.
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