10 Min Tips to Teach Music

EP41: Dream Big: Part 5: The Situational Analysis

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Welcome to Episode 41 of 10 Min Tips to Teach Music.

So far you have learned that if you want to "Build the Music Department of Your Dreams", it all starts with YOU. 

  • You and your teams strengths
  • Your departments culture
  • Your departments pillars of focus
  • Your ability to motivate and flip your "middle child"
  • Your teams desire to STAND OUT!
  • I know what you are thinking - so this is all great stuff but now what? Well, this is where we start to put words into action. It's time to create your 5 year plan.  That's right! I am going to show you how to write a 5 year plan. In this episode, I talk about the advantages of creating a five year plan. I explain what a "situational analysis" is and how this can help you to get a clear perspective on your future goals. I also offer you a copy of a "Situational Analysis" template that you can use to help guide you through the first stages of your 5 year plan. 

    So strap yourself in and get ready for an awesome ride. 

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    10 Min Tips to Teach MusicBy Kerri Lacey