In this episode we dive into the types of media content that shaped us when we were girls and now as adults. We're constantly taking in information and messages through media sources like YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, books, radio, magazines, movies, TV, music, and podcasts. This can have a huge impact on how we see ourselves and can be a major factor in the direction we take in school, jobs, relationships, and life. It's important to be able to see yourself reflected in media. A quote that resonated with us: If you can't see it, you can't be it!
We'll get into some things that stuck with us like Hannah's deep love for Star Wars and how it finally loves her back, and Shanna's love of punk, screamo, and metal music and how inspired she was as a teenager by awesome female singers. We'll also talk about identity, body image and the perils of Photoshop, social media validation, and feeling limited in career choices and opportunities from what we could see on TV and in movies when we were growing up.
What we hope you'll take away and think about-- What kind of impact does seeing girls and women in media have on your self-image and choices? Do you see yourself in the things you watch, read, and listen to? And last but not least-- if you don't see yourself or what you like out there, do something about it! Become a screen writer, YouTuber, musician, podcaster, or producer!
As always, stay tuned at the end for our segments Would You Rather and Girls Pick.