misadventures in knitting

Episode 017: Needles, Beads and Mysteries!

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Today's topics include:
Upcoming Events and General Announcements
Lykke Needle Review
What we are Wearing
Hot Off the Needles
What we are Working on
and, Healthy Living with Tara and Ashley
Today's stash hiding space was shared by TioTweety on Ravelry.  Thanks for participating, Teresa!
Upcoming Events and General Announcements
The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival will be held May 5th and 6th at the Howard County Fairgrounds.  Tara will attend the festival on Saturday and is hoping to meet listeners at the podcaster meet up in Barn 7/8 at 1:00 PM.  If you are in the Pittsburgh area that same weekend, you can cheer on Ashley, who will run the Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon!
A shout out to Sally4 for visiting Woolworks!  Thank you to Judy and Mary for participating in our last Google Hang Out!
We are planning a second Knitters Book Club to take place this summer.  More information to come.
Finally, we need your input!  We are planning a future episode that will focus on local yarn shops.  A thread will be created in our Ravelry group asking for your thoughts and opinions.  If you have the time, feel free to participate!
Lykke Needle Review
Lykke needles are very popular so we decided to review them (and thanks for the suggestion, Jackie!).  They are dyed to look like drift wood but are actually birch wood.  A very helpful review can be found at Knitter's Review, by Clara Parkes.
Ashley says:
I like how the size of the needle is etched clearly on the side and won't rub off.
The cord is stiff for magic loop.
I like the needle tip which is smooth and has a nice, middle of the road point.
The advertising on the website is deceiving.
Tara says:
I like the price point!  More affordable than Addi's.
The cord is stiff.  This works well for a hat but I wonder what it would be like for a shawl.
The needle tip is dark in color, so be aware if using dark yarns or if you are a beginning knitter.
They are worth trying out!
What we are Wearing:
Tara has been wearing the Fancy Cardi by Joji Locatelli.  She used Dragonfly Fibers Pixie in the Espresso Roast colorway.
And because the temperature has been on the cooler side, Tara has also worn the Gather Together Sweater by Joji Locatelli.  She used Plucky Trusty in the Two Hearted colorway.
Ashley has been wearing the Four Seasons Shawl by Alana Dakos.  She used Three Irish Girls Wexford Merino Base.
She has also been wearing La Mer Socks by Sandra Park, knitted by Ashley's friend, Heather.
Hot Off the Needles
Tara finished the Amulet Shawl by Helen Stewart.  She used Old Maiden Aunt's Sock Yarn in the Buttermint colorway and beads purchased at Lovelyarns in Baltimore, MD.
Ashley finished her #knittersbookclubkal!  She knit the Ruched Beret by Susan B. Anderson, which is from the Weekend Hats Book.
What we are Working On
Ashley finished sock #1 of the Vintage Fairy Lights pattern by Helen Stewart.
Ashley is nearly finished with the Confluence Shawlette by Sivia Harding.  She is using The Fibre Company Meadow yarn.  She is using Japanese Toho Beads.
Finally, Ashley is working on the Impressionist Mystery Knit Along by Helen Stewart.  Ashley is using Primrose Adelaide but is feeling unsure about her color choices.  Tara is also working on this project and is using the same yarn!  Twinsies!
Tara is also working on the Creatrix Shawl by Laura Nelkin.  She is finding this challenging but fun!  She is using The Fibre Company Meadow and size 6-0 and 8-0 beads.
Healthy Living with Ashley and Tara--Movement
Ashley and Tara talk about the benefits of moving!
Tara mentioned the podcast called The Walk, by Naomi Alderman.  She also read a quote from NPR.  Naomi Alderman also has a free phone app called Zombies, Run.
Ashley is training for the 1/2 portion of the Pittsburgh Marathon.  Ashley uses the Strava App to keep track of her pace and miles.
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misadventures in knittingBy (mis)adventures in knitting podcast