Episode 09: Synergies in the agricultural sector between the African & European Markets

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Agriculture constitutes a significant portion of the economies of all African countries, and as a sector, it contributes towards major priorities across the continent, such as eradicating poverty and hunger, boosting intra-Africa trade and investments, rapid industrialization and economic diversification, sustainable resource and management, creating jobs, and fosters shared prosperity. The sector provides the continent with a huge potential to feed itself and eliminate hunger and food security, but also a major player in global food markets. This is where Bourgeon Agricultural Company comes in. The Nigeria-based integrated agricultural company has operational networks in the Benelux, Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe. The goal of the company is to fill in the gap between food production in Africa and the growing population of the continent. The company connects producers and consumers of agricultural produce within through various services that include cultivation, trading, processing, storage and distribution.

On this episode of Empact Mindset, my guest is Christelle van Amsterdam. She is Senior Business Development Consultant at Bourgeon Agricultural Company (Nigeria). Before then, she served as Information Technology Recruitment Consultant at the FSM Group and various other roles both in sales, recruitment and business development. On this episode, Christelle shares her insights on agricultural innovation as well as her experiences and journey as an entrepreneur.

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GAMEPLAN PodcastBy Bruno Fon