Beekeeping Buddies

Episode 10 - End of July Bee Farm updates, hive-o-rama, and struggles with small hive beetle

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Welcome to Episode 10 of Beekeeping Buddies. The podcast where Steve and Luke talk about beekeeping in the Central Illinois area.

Around the Yard:

  • Harvesting Honey: We’ll discuss the best practices for harvesting honey in Central Illinois, including timing and techniques to ensure a successful yield, and how much we've gotten so far.
  • Beekeeping Tours: Sharing our recent experiences and insights from our beekeeping tours.
  • Queen Rearing: An update about our first real year of queen rearing in our apiaries.
  • Hive Cutouts: Our thoughts and experiences on a cutout of a tree that a storm knocked down.

In the News:

  • Hiveorama: Steve will plan on being at this small, but awesome conference located in St. Louis,  Missouri. 

Honeybee Hotline:

  • Small Hive Beetle Problems: We answer viewer questions on how to deal with small hive beetles and slimed hives.
  • How to Approach Apitourism: Want to teach people about bees? Maybe host a honey tasting? We cover how we set up our events!
  • How to Store Frames: What we do to store our frames for winter.

Droning On:

  • Mite Checks: As we prepare for winter, we'll discuss the importance of mite checks and the methods we use to keep our hives healthy.
  • Winter Treatments: An overview of the treatments we recommend to ensure your bees are well-protected against the cold months ahead.
  • Feeding Hives: Strategies and an experiment for feeding your hives to build up their strength and resources for the upcoming season.

Tune in to Episode 10 for all this and more as we delve into the world of beekeeping in Central Illinois, providing you with practical advice, the latest news, and answers to your burning questions.


Hiveorama -

Sustainable Beekeepers of Michigan -

Eventbrite -

Riverview Road Apiary -

Honey Tasting and Farm Tour -


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Beekeeping BuddiesBy Luke Harvey