So Much Pingle

Episode 100: The Big Year

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Hello everyone and welcome to Episode One Hundred!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.
I can’t deny it, it feels pretty good to reach the one hundred show mark, four and a half years and one pandemic after I started this project.  The experience has been all the things – interesting, challenging, frustrating, and ultimately, rewarding.  I listen to a few podcasts that, at the end of the show, list all the people involved – the writers, researchers, editors and recording engineers, production assistants, et cetera, and now and then I think “wow, what could I accomplish with a crew like that?”  Because you know I wear all those hats on this little show.  But that’s all on the front end, and for me, the back end is where I’m blessed. Go ahead and make your jokes, I’ll wait. On the back end are all the folks who listen to the show, promote the show, support the show (both emotionally and financially), and of course, come on the show and talk with me. THAT has been amazing.
As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to [email protected]).
A few months ago I started thinking about what the hundredth show should be, and I had a number of ideas, but one in particular kept coming back to me.  I had attempted to record a Big Year episode as far back as 2022, but each time there were problems – hardware failures, scheduling issues, you name it.  I had chucked that whole project to the side with some disgust and some sadness, and moved on.  But I decided to give it one last try, for the hundo, and Josh Holbrook, Matt Ratcliffe, Jake Scott, and Tim Warfel were down to give it another shot as well.  This last effort itself took several tries, and in the end, we got it done.  It’s recorded on Zoom instead of Squadcast, which I normally use, so instead of multiple tracks to clean up there’s just one.  Zoom is not the greatest recording tool but fortunately, most of the recording is clean, and there’s only a few fuzzy bits here and there. I left in a few minutes of pre-show banter because these guys crack me up and it’s a peek at how the sausage is made.
Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is [email protected], and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.
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So Much PingleBy Mike Pingleton

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