Beekeeping Buddies

Episode 11 - Fancy Queens, Honey Tastings, Hiveorama updates, Bananas and more!

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Welcome to Episode 11 of Beekeeping Buddies. The podcast where Steve and Luke talk about beekeeping in the Central Illinois area.

Around the Yard:

  • Fancy Quees: Luke picked up some fancy queens from a local breeder.  Come listen to what we have.
  • Honey Tasting: A honey tasting was held in attemps to make apitourism more common. Listen to what we tried, our thoughts on what to taste and how to best run one.
  • Queen Rearing: Two cutouts scheduled for the coming weeks!

In the News:

  • Hiveorama: New on the conference located in St. Louis,  Missouri.
  • Bananas and the Hive: Bananas are... good for a beehive? Listen to the research we found on this twist. 

Honeybee Hotline:

  • Small Hive Beetle Slimed Frame Solutions: We revisit what to do about slimed frames.

Droning On:

  • Bee Trips: Luke is headed to the Northern Frontier to see how Alaska beekeepers handle hives over winter.
  • Mite Treatment Class: Steve volunteers to lead a course on how to treat your mites.
  • Retirement Class: Steve gets voluntold to teach a 30 minute class on honey.

Tune in to Episode 11 for all this and more as we delve into the world of beekeeping in Central Illinois, providing you with practical advice, the latest news, and answers to your burning questions.


Hiveorama -

Eventbrite -

Riverview Road Apiary -

Honey Tasting and Farm Tour -

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Beekeeping BuddiesBy Luke Harvey