Beekeeping Buddies

Episode 15 - Dry October, Fall Honey Stocks, Upcoming Cutouts, Bald Faced Hornets and a Legislative Update

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Welcome to Episode 15 of Beekeeping Buddies. The podcast where Steve and Luke talk about beekeeping in the Central Illinois area.

Around the Yard:

  • Dry October: A dry hot October. What do we do, anything we should not be doing? 
  • Fall Honey Stock: How do our hives look for winter? How are our flow hives doing? Is there anything we can do right now?
  • Upcoming Cutouts: Looks like Luke and Steve will have some upcoming cutouts... will be covered extensively in episode 16.

In the News:

  • Legislative Update: Check out October ABH for the Legislative Update in FIFRA. Laws are being passed that will impact our ability to treat hives.

Honeybee Hotline:

  • Bald Faced Hornets: Good, bad, or ugly?

Droning On:

  • Asters In Bloom: Should we be feeding still with Asters in bloom?

Tune in to Episode 14 for all this and more as we delve into the world of beekeeping in Central Illinois, providing you with practical advice, the latest news, and answers to your buzzing questions.


Heart of Illinois Beekeeping Club:

American Bee Journal:


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Beekeeping BuddiesBy Luke Harvey