Episode 20: Unified Insights — Bridging the R&D Data Divide

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Data silos and challenges around data fragmentation and interoperability hinder holistic insights and innovation in research and development. Specifically, these challenges include retrieving, parsing, and cleansing data from various sources and formats, ensuring data security and privacy. However, at the center of data interoperability is the role of the patient. The patient brings data together and provides potential for transformative insights and accelerated innovation through a unified approach to data management. With a comprehensive strategy that integrates genomic, phenotypic, clinical, and device data, enhancing drug discovery and fostering innovation can be expedited, effectively bridging the existing data divide.

Guest: Ardy Arianpour, CEO & Cofounder, SEQSTER

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BioRad.ioBy Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

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