3SG Podcast

Episode 24 - Stinky Co-workers, Best Unknown Movies, Addicting Foods, Worst States

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Episode 24: Happy Valentine's Day! Or as 3SG calls it... VDTopics include::35  What do you do about a smelly co-worker? 7:57 What movie or TV show is relatively unknown but everyone should watch it?18:41 What's that one food you will never give up? 24:28 What's the worst state you've ever been to?Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Podbean, and check out 3sgpodcast.comFollow @3sgpodcast on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and use hashtag #3sgpodcast whenever you feel like fighting with people online.Fumbled through it all in front of an audience of one at Royal Recording in Colorado Springs
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3SG PodcastBy 3SG