Contemplate This!

Episode 27 - Interview with Dr. Robert Waldinger

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Dr. Waldinger has one of the most viewed Ted Talks of all time, with over 100 million views – it’s called “What Makes for a Good Life?” Just to give you a teaser, he gives us the answer to what makes for happiness in just two words, within the first five minutes of the show! Bob Waldinger is also a clinical psychiatrist at Harvard and the current Director of the Harvard Study on Adult Development. The study began in 1938, it’s now in its 83rd year, it is the longest running research study ever conducted. To top it all off, Bob is also a Zen Buddhist priest! I had the good fortune of being on a Zoom call with Bob recently, and I immediately emailed him to invite him to be a guest. Amid a very busy and stressful time, he graciously said yes, and now we all get to share in the benefits. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did conducting the interview!
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Contemplate This!By Tom Bushlack

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