Welcome back to GeEK!
This week, Alex and Luke discus the film of the year, The Force Awakens. They talk Characters, moments, themes, actors and disappointments with the film.
Also, 5 guests appear in the middle to discuss the film for a few minutes each. In order of appearance:
Simon, my dad @someonejelly
Teo, producer and Co-host over at the OotiniCast @JasonEtheridge
My brother Finn, from Episode 1.5.
Red, from It's A Trap! @R3dn4
My Mum, from many episodes.
So do you have any thoughts? Email us at
[email protected], tweet us @OfficialGeEKPod or leave a comment below telling us your thoughts. All our other contact details can be found here.
Thank you for this great year, and Catch-ya next time!