Go Postal Podcast

Episode 32: Part 2 - Braaaaaaaains! It's What's For Dinner!

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We continue our theme of Zombies, in this the second half of episode 32! BUT we start the episode with 2 listener letters - one from Betsy MF’in Ross! And then we dive head first into sea of brains where Michael shares more stories of “real life zombies”, Karla educates us on Marie Laveau, and [Rec] is reviewed! Have a spooky story or an answer to “What is your weapon of choice in the zombie apocalypse?” Write us! PO Box 198514, Nashville TN, 37219 or by e-mail gopostalpodcast@gmail.com! Promos - The Rise of Kind Asilas and Hollyweird Paranormal Links: Bath Salt Zombie Attack (https://bit.ly/2DQxyO9) Horror Crash with Violins (https://bit.ly/2Qk1nIl) Dramatic Piano (https://bit.ly/2xQiudX) DunDunDunnnExtreme (https://bit.ly/2IqR1DM) Record Scratch (https://bit.ly/2feQ9C6) Also, friendly reminder! Check your registration or just register to vote! www.votesaveamerica.com!
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