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The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted our lives, amplified the disparities in our communities, and pushed folks who were already on the margins, closer to the edge. This crisis may have shifted how we organize, but it didn’t change who we are fighting for. We now organize to protect immigrants and communities of color online, using more technology than ever before. One way to get through times like this is by anchoring ourselves in the stories and witness those who came before us and leaning into their love and wisdom. In February, Phyllis Hill, Faith in Action director of organizing and Rev. Deth Im, Faith in Action director of training reminded us of that when they opened our first national Faith Forum by calling in their ancestors and inviting those of us in the room to do the same. The audio in this episode was recorded over a span of nearly three months and in three settings: before the pandemic on a hotel stage in Las Vegas, just before shelter in place orders at a street market east of downtown Atlanta, and amid the lockdown in Kansas City, MO (but on Zoom). You will hear excerpts from the opening ceremony of the Faith Forum as well as follow up interviews with Phyllis and Deth. We spoke with them about the ancestors whose wisdom shows up in their organizing work, and about solidarity in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. Show notes: Visit to learn more about Faith in Action.
2020 ratings
The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted our lives, amplified the disparities in our communities, and pushed folks who were already on the margins, closer to the edge. This crisis may have shifted how we organize, but it didn’t change who we are fighting for. We now organize to protect immigrants and communities of color online, using more technology than ever before. One way to get through times like this is by anchoring ourselves in the stories and witness those who came before us and leaning into their love and wisdom. In February, Phyllis Hill, Faith in Action director of organizing and Rev. Deth Im, Faith in Action director of training reminded us of that when they opened our first national Faith Forum by calling in their ancestors and inviting those of us in the room to do the same. The audio in this episode was recorded over a span of nearly three months and in three settings: before the pandemic on a hotel stage in Las Vegas, just before shelter in place orders at a street market east of downtown Atlanta, and amid the lockdown in Kansas City, MO (but on Zoom). You will hear excerpts from the opening ceremony of the Faith Forum as well as follow up interviews with Phyllis and Deth. We spoke with them about the ancestors whose wisdom shows up in their organizing work, and about solidarity in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. Show notes: Visit to learn more about Faith in Action.