Backstage Knitting Podcast

Episode 42- Fun with Color

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Episode 42- Fun with Color!
Thursday July 19, 2018

Shout out- No Shout outs this week
Want a Shout out?? Join our Ravelry group, introduce yourself and we’ll give you a shout out on the next episode!

Social Media plug! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Periscope., [email protected], join our Ravelry Group! Subscribe to audio on Apple Podcasts and video on YouTube!

On The Needles:
Mama Vertebrae by Kelly van Niekerk in Knitted Wit Victory Sock in the Rainier colorway. (Unable to find in the shop at the moment but she did have a lot of other national park colorways.)
1 Sockhead Slouch Hats by Kelly McClure in Knitted Wit Victory Sock in the Sneaky Snake Colorway
Dotted Rays Shawl by Stephen West in the Marriage Equality Gradient set by Neighborhood Fiber Co. Sorta in time out. Constantly 14ish stitches off.
Port Gamble Socks Fairlight Fibers in Mondim Color 201 100% Non Superwash Portuguese wool

Off The Needles:
1 Sockhead Slouch Hats by Kelly McClure in Knitted Wit Victory Sock in the Lion Heart Colorway.

So much spinning for Tour De Fleece! One project on the wheel and two different drop spindles.
A Review!
Kraemer YarnsMauch Chunky Roving
100% US Wool
28 Microns
Sold in 1 lb quantities on their website

In Rehearsal/Performance
Lysistrata closed this past weekend but we have God Of Vengence opening in August! I’ll be doing sound, Box Office and probably some costume help.

Netflix and Knit:
Ant-man and the Wasp, The Incredibles 2, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (on Hulu), and the 1970 Wonder Woman Tv Series.
Craftivist Atlanta is hosting a weekly craftivist together. Right now they are making Welcome Blankets. Is this something people in the Northwest would be interested in doing? Rotate between North and South side?
“Believe that the personal is political and that every choice and action we make affects not only ouselves and our lives, but the lives of others as well.” -Knitting for Good Page 101

Yarny Adventures:
Tour de Fleece Kick Off!!! Saturday July 7, 2018 2:30-5 Pioneer Park in Puyallup. Not in the Pavilion.

Tour de Fleece July 7-29, 2018

Mariner's Stitch 'N' Pitch Tuesday July 31, 2018
PNW Yarn Crawl The Fall Crawl is September 28-30, 2018
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