The DX Mentor

Episode 55 - DX Geography

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This is The DX Mentor podcast. I hope to help those hams trying to move up the DXCC ladder as well as those that at on the DXCC Honor Roll. As fast as technology is moving, no one can keep up on it all. I am here to help. #DX #Hamradio

Hello and welcome to episode 55 of The DX Mentor and our discussion of Geography and DX. Thank you for joining us. I’m Bill, AJ8B. 


If this is the first time you are with us, Welcome! We have a back catalog of over 50 episodes covering many aspects of DX in both podcast and YouTube format.

Please check us out. If you are new to DXing, I would really recommend episode 1 as it was recorded with several world class DXers. You will get a feel of the
excitement that goes with chasing DX!  


Remember, if you like what you find, please subscribe, like, and share! 

Our guest today is Ralph Bellas, K9ZO. Here is

a bit of bio on Ralph “My interests include technology, entrepreneurship, contesting, DXing, CW, VHF, propagation, and being very active on the HF bands.
DXpeditions really excite me!  I'm an Assistant Director, 50 Year Member, and Life Member with the ARRL. I'm a past President, State Coordinator, and former Board member of the Society of Midwest Contesters (SMC)
- W9SMC.  I am the former "Contesting on a Budget" column editor for the National Contest Journal, NCJ.  I'm a former member of the Metro DX club.

I have earned 10BDXCC, 10 Band WAS, and the Triple Play Award.  I am active with DXCC Challenge with 2911

slots.  For DXCC Honor Roll I have 358 Mixed, 353 CW, 358 Phone, and 319 Digital countries.  I earned 5BWAZ.  I've been fortunate to have been part of DX teams which were awarded "DXpedition of the Year."

Joe, W8GEX, an accomplished DXer in his own right will also be with us.

 Resources mentioned include:

Southwest Ohio DX Assoc.

Daily DX

DX Engineering






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The DX MentorBy Bill Salyers

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