Brian and Rekka
We have a lot of excitement about our story ideas when they first appear. How do we keep ourselves excited about the process and avoid the doldrums when all that’s left is the hard work?
* Don’t be like brian: back up your work!
* Make sure you’re moving forward consistently – make it part of a regular habit so you’re not getting to a place where you dread sitting down to write.
* Write in a group setting.
* Have an online group of friends with whom you can scream about writing.
* Have a reward you can dangle at the end (vacation / day spa trip / new shoes / etc.).
* Have a plan so you know what step is next.
* Break things down into manageable chunks.
* Find someone who’s willing to read your work a chapter at a time to keep you engaged in the excitement of sharing it with someone else.
* Watch movies and read books with similar plot devices or characters or worlds so you stay in the mind frame of the story.
* Don’t stop at the end of the scene so you don’t come back to a blank page.
* Hire a developmental editor to challenge your ideas and get your brain storming again.
* Set a deadline and ask someone to hold you accountable to it (within reason).
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