The Nosebleeds Podcast

Episode 55 - Wet Ass Pads

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The gang returns from another podcasting quarantine!

First, despite the fact that we're not watching as much as we normally would, we've got a cup final to discuss. Plus, WE HAVE TRADES TO ANNOUNCE!

The back half sees the gang discuss Alex Pietrangelo's future in St. Louis, a conspiracy of championship proportions, questions from our loveliest listener, their favorite music, and some games they've been playing while hiding from a deadly virus. 

This is The Nosebleeds Podcast! 

Ian – @MaybeItsIan

Kristen – @kristenthemums

Trevor – @GoldsPersonal

RabidHabs – @RabidHabs

The Nosebleeds Podcast – @NosebleedsCast

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The Nosebleeds PodcastBy Ian Boisvert