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Today’s Episode Notes
While we may hope a few spare days off during the holidays will result in more time to write, often we find that ‘free’ time absorbed by time spent in traffic, shopping, cooking, or visiting.
Tricks and recommendations to sustain your writing practice are as important as ever during the holiday hubbub.
* Mark out the time to write, and defend or bargain to keep it.
* Work outside of your normal time – into your phone on long lines or while waiting for family in department stores, in a passenger seat while traveling, at cafes, and at libraries.
* Be flexible so you can write whenever and wherever, keeping what practices work for you but not waiting for the perfect conditions to write.
* We’ve talked about some of the tips above more specifically in Episode 20.
* Make sure you take care of yourself. There is enough stress without being hard on yourself. Do what you can and don’t forget to enjoy the holidays.
We started this podcast over a year ago to help writers find their own best way forward along the path to publication and marketing. We’d like to know what you, our listeners, want from the podcast! Are there topics you want us to dive deeper on, or topics we haven’t touched upon at all? Do you want more guests? More of Brian and Rekka rambling and riffing? Do you like the recent griste-trimmed episodes that get right to the point and leave the off-topic conversations for Patreon?
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