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We’re changing things up!
In our S.M.A.R.T. Goals episode before the holiday, we emphasized that there’s no shame in changing your mind.
Might have been burying the lead a bit with that.
Last week we asked our listeners what they want out of our podcast. All responses were in support of keepin’ on, keepin’ on.
Too bad for all of them, we’re doing what we want!
We’ve decided we’re going to shift the podcast. There are already podcasts out there interviewing professionals and experts and it’s a lot of work to constantly keep an eye out for guests. We’re not opposed to having guests in the future, but we want to not feel like we’re slacking if we don’t have a visiting presence for a bunch of episodes.
We had a vision for the podcast that will be more the direction we take from now on, talking about our individual writing experiences and our collaborative work.
Besides, there’s no better way to practice, learn, and lead than by doing. So we’re going to talk about our own processes, plans, life lessons and everything else related to our writing careers.
So, where are we starting today?
* Rekka has two published books, FLOTSAM a SF/Steampunk novel traditionally published through Parvus Press, and THE BANTAM, a self-published SF novella and Patreon serial. * Brian has a bunch of writing that he has, to this point, kept to himself. Rekka has read two of his drafts, one full story and one partial, so she knows these words happen.* Together, they have a partial draft of ATLANTIS IN EXILE, a collaborative Cosmic Horror SF&F novel which they expect will become at least a three-book series.
What are our SMART Goals?
* Brian * Publish or submit ATLANTIS IN EXILE by Dec 31, 2019* Finish Non-fiction collaboration * Post Atlantis drafts on Patreon + Movie/Pop Culture Ramblecast* Publish Four (4) Finished Books by Dec 31, 2019* If completed early, work on sequels or new series* Read/Re-read 120 books by Dec 31, 2019* Write “a bunch” of short stories to see if we want to publish* Rekka* Work with Parvus to produce and publish SALVAGE* Revise and produce PHANTOM TRAVELER: FRINGE (2018 Patreon series)* Write a full season of PHANTOM TRAVELER for Patreon* Finish at least 3 episodes by January 31* Write at least 4 Peridot “Facets” by Dec 31, 2019* First Anthology happens at 100K words* Write a new short piece every month* Submit at least 4 short pieces to SFF markets by Dec 31, 2019* Finish ATLANTIS collaboration
What steps can we take to more forward toward those goals before we record our next episode?
* Rekka * Move a collaboration(s) forward* Determine the format and outline for PTS2 in time to start posting content on time* Begin SALVAGE revisions and return to Parvus by Jan 31, 2019* Brian* Collaboration* next chapter for Rynan (see discussion below)* Publishing* Re-initiate contact with cover artist for completed...