The Hybrid Author Podcast is made possible by our Patreon supporters, and by the recommendations and reviews of our listeners that help grow our audience. We appreciate you very much.
We welcome your feedback – *especially on this episode!* Use the contact form on our website, tweet @hybridauthor, comment on this post, or on Patreon.
Just as a reminder: here are our S.M.A.R.T. Goals
* Brian * Publish or submit ATLANTIS IN EXILE by Dec 31, 2019* Finish Non-fiction collaboration * Post Atlantis drafts on Patreon + Movie/Pop Culture Ramblecast* Publish Four (4) Finished Books by Dec 31, 2019* If completed early, work on sequels or new series* Read/Re-read 120 books by Dec 31, 2019* Write “a bunch” of short stories to see if we want to publish* Rekka* Work with Parvus to produce and publish SALVAGE* Revise and produce PHANTOM TRAVELER: FRINGE (2018 Patreon series)* Write a full season of PHANTOM TRAVELER for Patreon* Finish at least 3 episodes by January 31* Write at least 4 Peridot “Facets” by Dec 31, 2019* First Anthology happens at 100K words* Write a new short piece every month* Submit at least 4 short pieces to SFF markets by Dec 31, 2019* Finish ATLANTIS collaboration
What steps did Rekka plan to take since our last recording?
* Rekka * Move a collaboration(s) forward* Determine the format and outline for PTS2 in time to start posting content on time* Begin SALVAGE revisions and return to Parvus by Jan 31, 2019* Brian* Collaboration* next chapter for Rynan (see discussion below)* Publishing* Re-initiate contact with cover artist for completed book* Fix Intro & Ending of THE SQUATCH IN THE MACHINE
Any Roadblocks or Obstacles?
You betcha. Brian had a schedule hematoma and is in an induced recording hiatus. Rekka thought she cleared that cold she mentioned last time, but it hit her again when she tried to resume her ‘ideal’ schedule, and she’s learning maybe it wasn’t such an ideal schedule, after all. So she’s been taking it easy, focusing on not overworking herself. As a total surprise to her, she can still get stuff done without gunning her engines and flooring it!
So obviously, and singing notwithstanding, this episode is an unusual break from our standard (however new) format. This week, we’d really appreciate hearing your feedback. Should Rekka continue Han Solo style, or do you miss the Wookiee?
Please let us know, or else Rekka will be back with another heartbroken song, next week!
If you enjoy this podcast, please support by pledging on Patreon, leaving a review and/or subscribe on iTunes, or sharing the episode with a writing friend.