The Hybrid Author Podcast

Episode 69 – Shifting Goals

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We welcome your feedback – *especially on this episode!* Use the contact form on our website, tweet @hybridauthor, comment on this post, or on Patreon.

Just as a reminder: here are our S.M.A.R.T. Goals

* Brian * Publish or submit ATLANTIS IN EXILE by Dec 31, 2019* Finish Non-fiction collaboration * Post Atlantis drafts on Patreon + Movie/Pop Culture Ramblecast* Publish Four (4) Finished Books by Dec 31, 2019* If completed early, work on sequels or new series* Read/Re-read 120 books by Dec 31, 2019* Write “a bunch” of short stories to see if we want to publish* Rekka* Work with Parvus to produce and publish SALVAGE* Revise and produce PHANTOM TRAVELER: FRINGE (2018 Patreon series)* Write a full season of PHANTOM TRAVELER for Patreon* Finish at least 3 episodes by January 31* Write at least 4 Peridot “Facets” by Dec 31, 2019* First Anthology happens at 100K words* Write a new short piece every month* Submit at least 4 short pieces to SFF markets by Dec 31, 2019* Finish ATLANTIS IN EXILE collaboration

What steps did Rekka plan to take since our last recording?

* Rekka * SALVAGE revision — Jan 31* Illustration for Phantom Traveler Season Two — Jan 31

Any Roadblocks or Obstacles?

The largest obstacle isn’t so much an obstacle as a challenge: Rekka has two more full novels to add to her 2019 goals.

For this reason, Rekka is thinking she will probably drop the goals that are least in alignment with her overall publishing goals: the monthly short stories.

And that’s the big takeaway from this episode, folks.

Allow your goals to shift if they need to, using your “Why” as a guide to which ones to let go of.

Your goals don’t help you if they become unattainable and do nothing but add stress to your life.

Any lessons?

Yeah, Rekka has learned that 1) she loves index cards and 2) she needs to get back to her exercise to make her writing career sustainable.

Goals Set by Rekka for Next Week:

* In evenings:* Illustration for Patreon (by the time this episode airs)* Most challenging goal because of confidence issues* In mornings:* Begin content for February, and get as far as possible on that* Begin outlining/planning Cast-Off novel* Begin outlining/planning M20 novel project* Get back to her daily exercise* Daily Mandatory Reading Hour (& Bedtime):* Re-read Salvage* Re-read Fringe* Read other authors’ works

Thanks for your feedback on the new solo and half-hour format. It’s great to know you enjoy the process discussion. But maybe this week it’s gone too far? This one felt super rambly and nitty-gritty to Rekka, even though she was attempting to stick to the episode format. Agree? Disagree?

Please let us know!

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The Hybrid Author PodcastBy Rekka Jay