Ministers with Mugs

Episode 7 - Easter Weekend Is Coming Quickly

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Blessed to be able to once again meet with Pastor Jay and have an in depth discussion about the upcoming Easter holiday! Here at Abundant Life, we have an entire week of services and opportunities for everyone to get plugged in, participate, serve and receive. In today's episode, Pastor Nathan and Pastor Jay share an in depth look at each service and touch on the reason for the celebration of the Easter holiday as well as offer a challenge to invite people to attend.

A survey done by the Barna Group shows roughly 85% of non-Christians and those who do not attend church, would attend an Easter service if they were asked. All we need to do is offer an invitation and we can create an opportunity for many people to experience Jesus and come to a decision to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Get inviting! There is nothing to lose.

This episode was posted March 4, 2021 and here are the dates for our Easter Week services:
March 28th: Palm Sunday - 9am, 10:30am and 6pm prayer and worship
March 31st: Prayer and Worship Service - 6pm
April 2nd: Good Friday Service - 7pm
April 3rd: Saturday Prayer - 7pm
April 4th: Easter Sunday - 9am and 10:30am

All Easter services are family friendly and rooms will be available for use for kids and youth. On Easter Sunday, our children's pastor, Pastor Holly, will have games, food, activities and worship specifically for your children. Invite a friend and family and come join in on the celebration of the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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Ministers with MugsBy Abundant Life

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